Frank Lawrence Owsley
Frank Lawrence Owsley
Competition: US & Canada
Vanderbilt University
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1926–27:
Owsley, Frank Lawrence: Appointed for a study of certain phases of the relations of Europe and the Confederacy, principally in England and France; tenure, twelve months from June, 1927.
Born January 20, 1890, at Montgomery, Alabama. Education: Alabama Polytechnic Institute, B.S., M.S., 1912; University of Chicago, M.A., Ph.D., 1924.
Instructor in History, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, 1914–15, 1918–19; Professor of History, Birmingham-Southern College, 1919–20; Assistant Professor of History, 1920–24, Associate Professor of History, 1924—, Vanderbilt University.
Publications: “States Rights in the Confederacy,” 1925; articles in North Carolina Historical Review, Mississippi Valley Historical Review.