Gabriel Fernández Ledesma

Gabriel Fernández Ledesma
Competition: Latin America & Caribbean
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1941–42:
Latin American Exchange Fellows, 1942:
Appointed from Mexico:
LEDESMA, GABRIEL FERNÁNDEZ. Appointed for the preparation of a book on the theme of death as depicted in the folk arts of Mexico and the Southwest; tenure, twelve months from a date to be determined.
Born May, 1900, Aguascalientes, Mexico. Education: Art study and travel in Mexico and Europe.
Artist, 1919–20, Department of Ethnography, National Museum of History and Archaeology; Art Director, 1923–25, Ceramic Pavillion, Faculty of Chemical Sciences; Professor of Painting and Drawing, 1924–26, Central School of Plastic Art; Director, 1927–33, San Antonio Abad Open Air School of Painting; Assistant Head, 1933, Department of Fine Arts, Ministry of Education; Assistant Director, 1934, Museum of Popular Arts; Chief, 1935, Editorial Department, Ministry of Education; Specialist in Plastic Arts and Folklore, 1937–39, Department of Printing and Publicity; Supervisor of Drawing, 1939–41, Section of Plastic Arts, Ministry of Education.
Exhibited paintings and etchings in Rio de Janeiro, Havana, Mexico, D. F., San Francisco, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Seville, Madrid and Paris. Mural commissioned by the Ministry of Education, for the Mexican Pavillion, Rio de Janeiro, 1921.
Publications: Forma, 1927; Quince Grabados, 1929; Juguetes Mexicanos, 1930; Calzado Mexicano, 1930. Articles in Mexican Art and Life, El Universal Ilustrado, 30-30, Resumen, Rotográfico, Hoy, Frente a Frente, La Esfera, El Diario. Illustrator of Campanas de la Tarde, 1922; Lecturas Clásicas para Niños, 1924; Voces Múltiples, 1927; Viajes al Siglo XIX, 1933; Sirena en el Aula, 1935; Información Turística sobre México, 1939; Puente en la Selva, 1941; Galería de Fantasmas, 1941; Biografías Populares, 1942; Un Gorrión en la Guerra de las Fieras, 1942.