Genaro Moreno García-Conde
Genaro Moreno García-Conde
Competition: Latin America & Caribbean
Escuela de Artes y Oficios; Academia de Guerra Ingenieros Militares
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1931–32:
Latin American Exchange Fellows, 1931
Appointed from Chile:
MORENO GARCIA-CONDE, GENARO: Appointed for studies of the theory of functions of real variables and of complex variables, and of the calculus of variations of simple and multiple integrals, at Yale University and Columbia University; tenure, eighteen months from September 10, 1931.
Born September 19, 1896, in Santiago, Chile. Education: Liceo Miguel Luis Amunátegue, Bachiller, 1913; Pedagogical Institute, Professor of Mathematics, 1921.
Professor of Mathematics, 1921–28, Escuela de Artes y Oficios; Professor of Mathematics, 1926–29, Pedagogical Institute; Professor of Mathematics, School of Architecture, 1927–28; Professor of Mathematics, School of Military Engineers and Military Staff College, 1925—.
Editor, Revista de Matemáticas y Física Elementales.