Geoffroy Atkinson
Geoffroy Atkinson
Competition: US & Canada
Amherst College
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1933–34:
ATKINSON, GEOFFROY: Appointed for a study of the influence of accounts of America, Africa and Asia printed in French upon the thought of the French Renaissance, abroad; tenure, twelve months from July 1, 1934.
Born October 21, 1892, at Brooklyn, New York. Education: Amherst College, B.S., 1913; Columbia University, M.A., 1914, Ph.D., 1920.
Instructor in Modern Languages, 1914–16, Union College; Instructor in French, 1919–20, Columbia University; Associate Professor of Romance Languages, 1920–26, Professor, 1926—, (Dean, 1929–31), Amherst College.
Publications: The Extraordinary Voyage in French Literature before 1700, 1920; The Extraordinary Voyage in French Literature from 1700-1720, 1922; Les Relations de voyages du XVII siècle et l’évolution des idées, 1924; La Littérature géographie française de la Renaissance, 1927; The Works of François Villon, 1930.