Gustav C. Dahl

Gustav C. Dahl
Competition: US & Canada
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1931–32:
DAHL, GUSTAV C.: Appointed to study European practices in electric-power transmission, in Europe; tenure, twelve months from June 15, 1931.
Born September 20, 1893, in Norway. Education: Royal Norwegian Naval Academy, graduated 1915, and continued postgraduate studies until 1917; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, S.B., 1921, S.M., 1924.
First Lieutenant, Royal Norwegian Navy, 1917–19; Electrical Research Assistant, 1921–22, Instructor in Electrical Engineering, 1922–25, Assistant Professor of Electric-Power Transmission, 1925–26, Associate Professor, 1926—, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Publications: Electric Circuits. Theory and Application, 1928. Articles in Proceedings of the National Electric Light Association, Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, The General Electric Review, and Tech Engineering News.