Gustavo Burdman

Gustavo Burdman
Competition: Latin America & Caribbean
Universidade de São Paulo
Physicist Gustavo Burdman was born in Buenos Aires and received a bachelor’s degree in physics from the University of Buenos Aires in 1987. Since opportunities to work in his preferred field of theoretical particle physics were scarce in Argentina, Mr. Burdman then came to the United States to continue his studies. After earning his Ph.D. from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, in 1987, he was awarded three consecutive postdoctoral fellowships: at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (1994-96), where he worked on heavy hadrons and heavy flavor physics; the University of Wisconsin, Madison (1996-99), where he concentrated more on the detection of new physics and high energies; and Boston University (1999-2000), where he continued working on physics beyond the Standard Model and its experimental signals.
Moving on to the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, where he was a technical staff member for four years, he produced a number of important papers, including in 2003 "Unification of Higgs and gauge fields in five dimensions" (Nuclear Physics B, 3: 656) and the following year "Holographic theories of electroweak symmetry breaking without a Higgs boson" (Physics Review D, 115013: 69), both in collaboration with Yasunori Nomura, and in the same year "Flavor violation in warped extra dimensions and CP symmetries in B decays" (Physics Letters B, 86:204), of which he was the sole author.
In 2004, he accepted the appointment he currently holds, as a professor of physics at the Physics Institute of the University of São Paulo; there he formed a particle theory group with two other faculty members. He is one of the few particle theorists in Brazil and Latin America working on both Model Building and Phenomenology of physics beyond the Standard Model, with focus on the Large Hadron Collider.