Gwen Lux
Gwen Lux
Fellow: Awarded 1933
Field of Study: Fine Arts
Competition: US & Canada
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1933–34:
LUX, GWEN: Appointed for creative work in sculpture, abroad; tenure, twelve months from May 21, 1933.
Born November 17, 1908, at Chicago, Illinois. Education: Wicker School of Fine Art and Art League of Detroit, 1923–26; Maryland Institute of Fine Arts, 1926–27; Boston Museum School, 1927–28; study in Austria and with Ivan Mestrovic, 1930–31.
Exhibited at the Salon d’Automne, Paris, 1931; Detroit Society of Arts and Crafts, 1932; Fairmount Park Art Association, 1933. “Eve” purchased by the Rockefeller Center, New York, 1932.