Hans Baron
Hans Baron
Competition: US & Canada
Queens College, CUNY
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1941–42:
BARON, HANS. Appointed for the preparation of a work to be entitled “Humanism and the City State: A Study on Thought and Society and their Interrelations in the Early Renaissance in Florence”; tenure, twelve months from June 1, 1942.
Born June 22, 1900, in Germany. Education: Universities of Berlin and Leipzig, 1918–22; University of Berlin, Ph.D., 1922. Special studies in the libraries of Florence and Rome, 1925–27, and in the British Museum, 1937–38.
Research Associate of the Historical Commission, 1928–33, Munich Academy of Sciences; Lecturer on Medieval and Modern History, 1929–33, University of Berlin; Assistant Professor of History, 1939—, Queens College.
Publications: Calvins Staatsanschauung und das Konfessionelle Zeitalter, 1924; Leonardo Bruni Aretino, Humanistisch-philosophische Schriften, 1928. Editor of Ernst Troeltsch, Aufsätze sur GEistesgeschichte und Religionssoziologie, 1924; Troeltsch, Spectator-Briefe, Aufsätze über die deutsche Revolution und die Westeuropa, 1925. Contributor to Festschrift für Walter Goetz, 1927; Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences, 1930; Menschen die Geschichte machten, 1931; Festschrift der Historischen Zeitschrift für Friedrich Meinecke, 1932. Articles in Historische Zeitschrift, Archiv für Kulturtgeschichte, Jahresberichte für Deutsche Geschichte, Civiltà Moderna, English Historical Review, Speculum, Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, History, La Rinascita, American Historical Review, Church History, South Atlantic Quarterly.