Hans Kohn
Hans Kohn
Competition: US & Canada
Smith College
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1939–40:
KOHN, HANS: Appointed for the preparation of a history of nationalism; tenure, eight months from June 15, 1940.
Born September 15, 1891, in Czechoslovakia. Education: German University, Prague, Doctor juris, 1923.
Professor of History, 1934—, Smith College; Visiting Instructor in Government, Summers, 1935, 1939, Visiting Lecturer on International Relations, 1937–38, Harvard University; Visiting Instructor in History, Summer, 1938, University of California.
Publications: Nationalismus, 1922; Sinn und Schicksal der Revolution, 1923; Die Politische Idee des Judentums, 1924; A History of Nationalism in the East, 1929; Martin Buber, Sein Werk und Seine Zeit, 1930; L’Humanisme Juif, 1931; Nationalism and Imperialism in the Hither East, 1932; Nationalism in the Soviet Union, 1933; Orient and Occident, 1934; Western Civilization in the Near East, 1936; Force or Reason, 1937; Revolutions and Dictatorships, 1939. Articles in Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Zeitschrift für Politik, Archiv des öffentlichen Rechts, Jahrbuch de öffentlichen Rechts, Zeitschrift für Geopolitik, Political Science Quarterly, Journal of Modern History, American Scholar, Journal for the History of Ideas, Proceedings of American Philosophical Society.