Harold William Thompson

Harold William Thompson
Competition: US & Canada
New York State College for Teachers
As published in the Foundation’s Annual Report for 1925–26:
Thompson, Harold William: Appointed for research in connection with the preparation of a Life of Henry Mackenzie—a Scottish man of letters of the Eighteenth Century—principally in the libraries of Scotland; tenure, twelve months from August 1, 1925.
Born June 5, 1891, in Buffalo, New York. Education: Hamilton College, Ph.B, 1912; Harvard University, A.M., 1913, Ph.D., 1915; Austin fellowship, Harvard, 1914–15.
Organist and choirmaster of the First Presbyterian Church, Albany, 1915–24; Instructor, 1915–19, Assistant Professor, 1919–22, Professor, 1922—, Department of English, New York State College for Teachers; Associate editor of the Diapason, Journal of the National Association of Organists.
Publications: Editor, “The Anecdotes and Egotisms of Henry Mackenzie” (in press), hitherto unpublished and throwing important light upon the social and literary life of Britain in the eighteenth century; discovered by the Editor while a Fellow of the Foundation. Co-editor, college text of Lincoln’s writings. Author, “Anthems of Today,” “Church Organ Music” (in press), articles on ecclesiastical music. Co-author, “Choirmasters’ Guide.” Librettist of two sacred cantatas, “The Prince of Peace” and “The Light of the World,” (the latter winning first prize in a competition open to all American and Canadian composers and librettists).