Henry Lee McFee
Henry Lee McFee
Competition: US & Canada
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1939–40:
McFEE, HENRY LEE: Appointed for creative work in painting; tenure, twelve months during the years 1940 and 1941.
Born April 14, 1886, at St. Louis, Missouri. Education: Stevenson Art School, Art Students League.
Represented in permanent collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Brooklyn Museum, Whitney Museum of American Art, Corcoran Gallery of Art, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Cleveland Art Museum, Albright Art Gallery, Cincinnati Museum, City Art Museum of St. Louis, Kansas City Art Museum, Witte Memorial Museum, Detroit Gallery of Fine Arts, Phillips Memorial Gallery. Awarded Honorable Mention, 1923, First Honorable Mention, 1930, Garden Club Prize, 1930, Carnegie International Exhibition; The Clark Prize, Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1928; The Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1937; Gold Medal, Paris Exhibition, 1937; The Payne-Purchase Prize, Virginia Museum, 1938.