Herbert O. Calvery
Herbert O. Calvery
Competition: US & Canada
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1931–32:
CALVERY, HERBERT ORION: Appointed for a continuation of the study of embryonic protein metabolism with special reference to the chemistry of ovalbumin and ovovitellin and the time of appearance of proteolytic enzymes in the developing chick embryos, in certain European laboratories; tenure, twelve months from May 27, 1932.
Born December 9, 1897, at Eddy, Texas. Education: Greenville College, B.S., 1919; University of Illinois, B.A., 1921, M.S., 1923, Ph.D., 1924.
Assistant Professor of Chemistry, 1924–25, University of Louisville, Kentucky; Instructor in Physiological Chemistry, 1924–27, Johns Hopkins University Medical School; Assistant Professor of Physiological Chemistry, 1927—, University of Michigan Medical School.
Publications: Articles in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, Journal of Biological Chemistry, American Journal of Physiology, Scientific Monthly, Organic Syntheses.