Igor Barreto
Igor Barreto
Competition: Latin America & Caribbean
Museo Jacobo Borges, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Universidad Metropolitana
Venezuelan poet Igor Barreto was educated at the Caragle Institute of the University of Bucharest. He is currently the director of publications for the Museo Jacobo Borges in Caracas. Previously he has been the director of the Cinemateca Nacional, the director of collections of the Fundación de Etnomusicología y Folklore, and general director of Imprenta Anauco. He has also had appointments as Professor of Literature at both Universidad Central de Venezuela and Universidad Metropolitana and is editor of El Puente.
In addition to his Guggenheim appointment, Igor Barreto has been a Fellow of the Centro de Estudios Lationamericanos Rómulo Gallegos. He has also been the invited Venezuelan representative at conferences held at Brown University, the Amandi Arts Festival in Romania, and the Instituto Caro y Cuervo in Colombia.
Among his publications are Crónicas llanas (1989), Carama (2001), Soul of Apure (2006), and El llano ciego (2006), all published by the Sociedad de Amigos (the latter two in conjunction with El Puente). His book Tierranegra received first prize from the Universidad Central de Venezuela and was published by its press in 1994.