Jesse Stuart

Jesse Stuart
Competition: US & Canada
Greenup County High School
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1937–38:
STUART, JESSE HILTON: Appointed for creative writing; tenure, twelve months from July 10, 1937.
Born August 8, 1907, at Riverton, Kentucky. Education: Lincoln Memorial University, A.B., 1929; Vanderbilt University, 1931–32; Peabody College, Summers, 1930, 1931, 1936.
Principal of High School, 1930–31, 1933—, Superintendent of County Schools, 1932–33, Greenup County, Kentucky.
Publications: Man with a Bull-Tongue Plow, 1934; Head O’W-Hollow, 1936. Poems and stories in Saturday Review of Literature, Scribner’s Magazine, American Mercury, Yale Review, New Republic, Harper’s Magazine, Scholastic, Forum, Poetry, Esquire, Virginia Quarterly Review, Southern Review, Dublin Review, North American Review.