John H. Van Vleck

John H. Van Vleck
Competition: US & Canada
University of Wisconsin, Madison
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1929–30:
Van Vleck, John Hasbrouck: Appointed to do research in quantum mechanics, in Europe; tenure, seven months from February 1, 1930.
Born March 13, 1899, at Middletown, Connecticut. Education: University of Wisconsin, A. B., 1920; Harvard University, A. M., 1921, Ph. D., 1922.
Instructor in Physics, 1922–23, Harvard University; Assistant and Associate Professor of Theoretical Physics, 1923–27, Professor, 1927–28, University of Minnesota; Summer Lecturer, Stanford University, 1927; Professor of Theoretical Physics, 1928—, University of Wisconsin; Associate Editor of the Physical Review.
Publications: “Quantum Principles and Line Spectra” (Bulletin of the National Research Council), 1926. Articles in Physical Review, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Journal of the Optical Society of America.