Judith Evans Grubbs

Judith Evans Grubbs

Fellow: Awarded 2012
Field of Study: Classics

Competition: US & Canada

Emory University

Judith Evans Grubbs is the Betty Gage Holland Professor of Roman History at Emory University. She received her Ph.D. in Classics at Stanford University in 1987 and her B.A. in Classics and English at Emory in 1978. Prior to coming to Emory, she taught at Washington University in St. Louis and Sweet Briar College in Virginia. Her research interests center on social history and law in the Roman Empire, particularly women, the family, and slavery. Her publications include Law and Family in Late Antiquity: The Emperor Constantine’s Marriage Legislation (Oxford, 1995) and Women and the Law in the Roman Empire: A Sourcebook on Marriage, Divorce, and Widowhood (Routledge, 2002). Her current project is a book, Children without Fathers in Roman Law: Paternity, Patrimony, and Freedom.


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