Marion Blake
Marion Blake
Competition: US & Canada
Converse College
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1926–27:
(Profile photograph: Converse College, Spartanburg, South Carolina)
Blake, Marion Elizabeth: Appointed to complete a study of the Republican and Augustan Pavements of Italy, with a view to establishing the chronology of the different types; tenure, twelve months from September 1, 1927.
Born March 23, 1892, in New Britain, Connecticut. Education: Mount Holyoke College, A.B., 1913; Cornell University, M.A., 1918, Ph.D., 1921; Fellowship in Classical Studies, American Academy in Rome, 1924-25.
Teacher, Wethersfield (Conn.) High School, 1913–17; Instructor in Greek and Latin, Illinois College, 1921–22; Assistant Professor of Greek and Latin, 1922–23, Associate Professor, 1924—, Converse College.
Author: “The Pre-Euclidian Attic Inscriptions Prior to 480 B.C.”