Mary Barnett Gilson
Mary Barnett Gilson
Competition: US & Canada
University of Chicago
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1939–40:
GILSON, MARY BARNETT: Appointed for the preparation of a book to be entitled “Industry, Management and Labor: A record of thirty years”; tenure, twelve months from October 1, 1939.
Born September 10, 1877, at Uniontown, Pennsylvania. Education: Wellesley College, B.A., 1899; Columbia University, M.A., 1926. London School of Economics, 1935–36.
Engaged in industrial work in the fields of labor relations, employment and management, and consultant and research worker in industrial relations, 1912—. Assistant Professor of Economics, 1931—, University of Chicago.
Publications: Unemployment Benefits in the United States (with others), 1930; Unemployment Insurance in Great Britain, 1931; Unemployment Insurance, 1932. Articles in International Labour Review, Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences.