Mary McRae McLucas

Mary McRae McLucas
Competition: US & Canada
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1929–30:
McLucas, Mary McRae: Appointed to study the methods past and present of producing printing in the outstanding presses of Central Europe and Great Britain; to collect specimens of their work for exhibition in this country; to study hand printing and the experimental photographic composition and to write articles contrasting these two methods of production; to further work on a critical bibliography of books about books; tenure, twelve months from July 1, 1930.
Born June 6, 1899, at Marion, South Carolina. Education: Coker College, Hartsville, Summers, 1916–17; Peabody College for Teachers, 1917; University of Colorado, 1917–19; University of Pennsylvania, 1920–22.
Yale University Printing Department, 1922–26; designer and manufacturer of books, John Day Company, 1927–29; designer of printing, 1929—.
Books designed for the Yale University Press, John Day Company and others have been exhibited in New York City, London and Rome, and included in the American Institute of Graphic Arts “Fifty Books,” 1928 and 1929, “Twenty-one Illustrated Books of 1928.”