Nora Domínguez
Nora Domínguez
Competition: Latin America & Caribbean
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Nora Domínguez is an Associate Professor of Literary Theory at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, and a major force in the shaping of Argentine literary and cultural debate. She is well known for her analyses of nineteenth and twentieth century literature and studies of gender and narrative fiction. De donde vienen los niños. Maternidad y escriturea en la cultura argentina (Rosario: Beatriz Viterbo Ed., 2007), which deals with the representation of mother figures in Argentine literature, including the political role of Las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo, won critical praise for its lucid writing and fresh insights into classic Argentine and Latin American literary works and received the Premio de Ensayo del Fondo Nacional de las Artes. Her article "Dar la cara. Rostridad y relato materno en El diesierto y su semilla de Jorge Barón Biza" was collected in El salto de Minerva: Intelectuales, género y estado, edited by Mabel Moraña and María Rosa Olivera-Williams (Berlin: vervuert, 2005); she contributed "Puntos de encuentro. Escritoras del Cono Sur" to the fourth volume of Historia de las mujeres en España y América Latina. Del Siglo XX a los umbrales del XXI, edited by Isabel Morant (Madrid: Ed. Cátedra, 2006); "Presencias póstumas: escrituras del tiempo, tiempos de escritura" was published in Trazos y fragmentos: memoria, ciudadanía, edited by Ileana Rodríguez and Mónica Szurmuk (Santiago de Chile: Ed. Cuarto, 2008). She herself edited, with Ana Amado, Laxos de familia Herencias cuerpos ficciones (Buenos Aires: Ed. Paidó, 2004). During her Guggenheim Fellowship term, she undertook a study of faces as external figures of culture.