Otto Klineberg
Otto Klineberg
Competition: US & Canada
Columbia University; Sarah Lawrence College
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1935–36:
KLINEBERG, OTTO: Appointed for a study of emotional expression among the Chinese, as one aspect of the general problem of the relation between culture and psychology, in China; tenure, thirteen months from August 1, 1935.
Born November 2, 1899, in Canada. Education: McGill University, B.A., 1919, M.D., 1925; Harvard University, M.A., 1920; Columbia University, Ph.D., 1927. National Research Council Fellowship, 1927–29.
Assistant in Psychology, 1925–27, Research Associate in Anthropology, 1929–31, Instructor in Psychology, 1931—, Columbia University; Instructor in Anthropology, 1934—, Sarah Lawrence College.
Publications: Negro Intelligence and Selective Migration, 1935. Articles in Archives in Psychology, Genetic Psychology Monographs, American Anthropologist, Journal of Negro Education Yearbook, Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences.