Ralph D. Casey

Ralph D. Casey
Competition: US & Canada
University of Minnesota
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1937–38:
CASEY, RALPH DROZ: Appointed for a comparative study of contemporary political party propaganda technique in national campaigns, American and British; tenure, nine months from August 28, 1937.
Born May 8, 1890, at Aspen, Colorado. Education: University of Washington, B.A., 1913, M.A., 1924, Ph.D., 1929.
Member of staff, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1913–16, 1922; Assistant Professor of Journalism, 1916–19, State University of Montana; Assistant Professor of Journalism, 1919–20, University of Washington; Member of staff, New York Herald, 1920–21; Assistant Professor of Journalism, 1922–27, Associate Professor, 1929–30, University of Oregon; Professor and Chairman of Department of Journalism, 1930—, University of Minnesota.
Publications: Life and Letters of Joel M. Johanson (with others), 1920; Principles of Publicity (with Glenn G. Quiett), 1926; Propaganda and Promotional Activities, An Annotated Bibliography (with H. D. Lasswell and B. L. Smith), 1935. Editor (with Frank Luther Mott), Interpretations of Journalism, 1937. Articles in Pacific Review, Quill, Journalism Quarterly, Oregon Exchanges, Washington Newspaper, American Press, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Editor & Publisher, Publishers’ Auxiliary, Public Opinion Quarterly, Social Science Abstracts, American Political Science Review, Seventh Yearbook of the National Council for Social Studies. Editor, University of Washington Alumnus, 1914-16; Associate Editor, Pacific Review, 1919–21; Associate Editor, 1930–34, Editor, 1935—, Journalism Quarterly.