Samuel Brody

Samuel Brody

Fellow: Awarded 1929
Field of Study: Organismic Biology & Ecology
Fellow: Awarded 1931
Field of Study: Organismic Biology & Ecology

Competition: US & Canada

University of Missouri

As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1929–30:

Brody, Samuel: Appointed for continuation of researches on the kinetics of growth and senescence with special reference to phyothermy in domestic animals, chiefly in Germany, and for collection of material for the preparation of a monograph on the kinetics of growth and senescence; tenure, six months from June 1, 1930.

Born February 8, 1890, in Lithuania. Education: University of California, B. A., 1917, M. A., 1920; University of Chicago, Ph. D., 1928.

Instructor in Biochemistry, 1919, University of California; Assistant Professor of Dairy Chemistry, 1920–27, Associate Professor, 1928—, University of Missouri.

Publications: Articles in the Journal of General Physiology, Journal of Dairy Science, Proceedings of the Society of Animal Production, Science; a series, Research Bulletins of the University of Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station; contributor to a monograph entitled “Growth,” 1928; to “Growth and Development with Special References to Domestic Animals: Energy and Nitrogen Metabolism during the First Year of Postnatal Life,” 1930.


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