Samuel Selden
Samuel Selden
Competition: US & Canada
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1937–38:
SELDEN, SAMUEL: Appointed for the preparation of a book on basic design in the directing of plays; tenure, twelve months from September 10, 1938.
Born January 2, 1899, in China. Education: Yale University, A.B., 1922; New York School of Fine and Applied Arts, 1929–30.
Assistant Technical Director and Stage Manager, 1922–26, Provincetown Playhouse and Greenwich Village Theatre; Stage Manager, 1927, Intimate Opera Company; Instructor in English, 1927–29, Assistant Professor of English and of Dramatic Art, 1930–37, Associate Professor of Dramatic Art, 1937—, University of North Carolina; Technical Director, 1927–29, Associate Director, 1930—, Carolina Playmakers.
Publications: Scenery and Lighting for School and Little Theatre Stages, 1928; Stage Scenery and Lighting (with Hunton D. Sellman), 1930; A Player’s Handbook, 1934; Modern Theatre Practice (with others), 1935; First Principles of Play Direction, 1937. Articles and reviews in The Carolina Play-Book, Backstage, Quarterly Journal of Speech.