Stephen Gardbaum
Stephen Gardbaum
Competition: US & Canada
University of California, Los Angeles
Stephen Gardbaum is the MacArthur Foundation Professor of International Justice and Human Rights at UCLA School of Law. An internationally recognized constitutional scholar, his research focuses on comparative constitutional law, federalism, and the foundations of liberal legal and political theory. His numerous articles on constitutional law have appeared, among other places, in the Harvard Law Review, Stanford Law Review, Michigan Law Review, the International Journal of Constitutional Law, and the American Journal of Comparative Law. He will spend his Guggenheim Fellowship year completing a book, The New Commonwealth Model of Constitutionalism: Theory and Practice, on a novel approach to protecting rights in a democracy that will be published by Cambridge University Press. He was the keynote speaker at the 2009 Protecting Human Rights conference in Australia, part of the major debate in that country about adopting this model through a national human rights act. Gardbaum received a B.A. with first class honors from Oxford University, an M.Sc. from London University, a Ph.D. in political theory from Columbia, and a J.D. from Yale. His scholarship has been cited by the U.S. and Canadian Supreme Courts and widely translated, most recently into French and Spanish for book-length collections of his essays on the comparative structure of constitutional rights to be published in Paris and Madrid.