Sterling A. Brown

Sterling A. Brown
Competition: US & Canada
Howard University
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1937–38:
BROWN, STERLING ALLEN: Appointed for creative writing; tenure, twelve months from October 1, 1937.
Born May 1, 1901, at Washington, D. C. Education: Williams College, A.B., 1922; Harvard University, A.M., 1923.
Professor of English, 1923–26, Virginia Theological Seminary and College; Professor of Literature, 1926–28, Lincoln University; Professor of English, 1928–29, Fisk University; Assistant Professor of English, 1929—, Howard University. Visiting Professor, Atlanta University, Summers, 1934–36.
Publications: Outline For Study of Poetry by American Negroes, 1931; Southern Road, 1932. Essays, poems, and reviews in Folk-say, Readings from Negro Authors, Journal of Negro History, Journal of Negro Education, Opportunity, Christian Century, New Masses, New Republic, Partisan Review and Anvil.