Suzanne Caporael

Suzanne Caporael

Fellow: Awarded 2020
Field of Study: Fine Arts

Competition: US & Canada

At present, with the world in the grip of an international crisis, I find myself unable or perhaps disinclined, to provide a brief summary of my seventy years.  I have always preferred silence to “artists’ statements”, and I leave the commentary to others. By way of description, I provide two excerpts which appeared several years apart in the New York Times:

“Ms. Caporael’s paintings are a curious mix of the aesthetic and the conceptual…the paintings are sensuous and lyrical as well as rigorously formal.”


“But what makes the paintings at once so hard to look at and so hard to look away from is that they are really all backgrounds.”


Both are honest critiques, and that’s enough. I like to think enough is plenty.

Suzanne Caporael

March 30, 2020


Caporael’s work is represented in museum collections including the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, the Art Institute of Chicago, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, among many others.

Suzanne Caporael is represented by the Miles McEnery Gallery in New York. She prints collaboratively with Tandem Press in Madison, Wisconsin.

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