Ted Mooney
Ted Mooney
Competition: US & Canada
Born in Dallas, Texas, raised in Washington, D.C., and now residing in Manhattan, Ted Mooney is a fiction writer, art critic, and editor. His short stories have appeared in American Review, Granta, and Esquire, among other places, and his is a frequent contributor to such publications as the Los Angeles Times, Vogue, Bookforum, and Artforum. His first novel, Easy Travel to Other Planets (Farrar, Straus, 1981), was awarded the Sue Kaufman Prize for First Fiction by the American Academy of Arts and Letters, and was a finalist for the American Book Award. Traffic and Laughter (Knopf, 1990), written with the support of his Guggenheim Fellowship and a Fellowship from the Ingram Merrill Foundation, was his second novel, and his third, Singing into the Piano, was published, also by Knopf, in 1998. Forthcoming in 2009 is his fourth novel, The Same River Twice, which is set mainly in Paris with side excursions to Moscow and New York. Currently he is working on Shadow and Silhouette, the second volume of a loosely affiliated trilogy that began with The Same River Twice. His novels have been translated into six languages.
From 1977 to 2008, Mr. Mooney was Senior Editor at Art in America, and he remains intimately involved in the art world, writing ciritical pieces for such publications as Artforum, Parkett, Flashart, and Frieze.