Thomas Whitfield Baldwin
Thomas Whitfield Baldwin
Competition: US & Canada
University of Illinois, Urbana
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1931–32:
BALDWIN, THOMAS WHITFIELD: Appointed to make studies in Elizabethan literature and life, especially as they illustrate Shakspere; tenure, twelve months from August 1, 1931.
Born January 28, 1890, in Laurens County, South Carolina. Education: Erskine College, A.B., 1909; Princeton University, M.A., 1914, Ph.D., 1916.
Assistant in Latin and Mathematics, 1912–13, Erskine College; Professor of English and Head of the Department, 1915–18, Muskingum College; Professor of English and Head of the Department, 1918–20, South Dakota State College; Professor of English and Head of the Department, 1920–23, Reed College; Assistant Professor of English, 1923–25, Goucher College; Assistant Professor of English, 1925–27, Associate Professor, 1927–28, Professor, 1928—, University of Illinois.
Publications: An Edition of Philip Massinger’s Duke of Milan, 1918; The Organization and Personnel of the Shakespearean Company, 1927; The Comedy of Errors, 1928; William Shakespeare Adapts a Hanging, 1930. Editor, American edition of Earlier English Drama, 1929. Articles in Journal of English and German Philology, The Library, Modern Language Notes, Modern Language Review, Philological Quarterly, Times Literary Supplement, Saturday Review of Literature.