Thomas Woody
Thomas Woody
Competition: US & Canada
University of Pennsylvania
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1929–30:
Woody, Thomas: Appointed to make a study of the political education of the citizens of the Soviet Republic, and its bearing on the relation of Russia to her neighbors; tenure, twelve months from September 15, 1929.
Born November 3, 1891, at Thorntown, Indiana. Education: Indiana University, A. B., 1913; Columbia University, A. B., 1916, Ph. D., 1918.
Assistant to Professor Paul Monroe, Columbia University, 1916–17; Professor of History of Education, 1919—, University of Pennsylvania.
Publications: “Early Quaker Education in Pennsylvania,” 1920; “Fürstenschulen in Germany after the Reformation,” 1920; “Quaker Education in the Colony and State of New Jersey,” 1923; contributor to “Twenty-Five Years of American Education,” 1924. Articles in Educational Outlook, Educational Review. Contributor to the Dictionary of American Biography.