Violet Barbour

Violet Barbour

Fellow: Awarded 1925
Field of Study: British History
Fellow: Awarded 1926
Field of Study: British History

Competition: US & Canada

Vassar College

As published in the Foundation’s Annual Report for 1925-26:


Barbour, Violet: Appointed for research in the life of Sir George Downing and the study of English trade during the period of the three Dutch wars, principally at the Record Office, London, in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, and the Rijksarchief of The Hague; tenure, twelve months from June 1, 1925; reappointed for a continuation of these studies for six months from June 1, 1926.


Born July 5, 1884, at Cincinnati, Ohio. Education: Cornell University, A.B., 1906, A.M., 1909, Ph.D., 1914. Graduate scholarship in European History, Cornell University, 1908-1909; Alice Freeman Palmer Fellowship, Wellesley College, 1911-12 (European study); President White Fellowship in European History, Cornell University, 1912-13 (European study).


Editorial work, Bobbs-Merrill Company, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1906-08; teacher, Tudor Hall, Indianapolis, 1909-11; Instructor in History, 1914-19, Assistant Professor, 1919-24, Associate Professor, 1924—, Vassar College.


Publications: “Henry Bennet, Earl of Arlington,” (published by the American Historical Association as the essay winning the Herbert Baxter Adams Prize in European History, offered biennially by the Association), 1913; articles in American Historical Review, Unpopular Review, Literary Review, and other historical and literary reviews.


Photograph credit: Archives & Special Collections, Vassar College (Ph.F 6.14)

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