Vladimir Nabokov
Vladimir Nabokov
Competition: US & Canada
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1943–44:
NABOKOV, VLADIMIR. Appointed for creative writing in the field of the novel; tenure, twelve months from June 1, 1943.
Born April 23, 1899, in Russia. Education: Cambridge University, B.A., 1922.
Visiting Lecturer in Slavic Languages, Stanford University, Summer, 1941; Visiting Lecturer in Comparative Literature, Wellesley College, 1941–42; Research Fellow, 1942—, Museum of Comparative Zoölogy, Harvard University.
Publications: (All titles first published in Russian except starred item): Gorny Put, 1922; Grosd, 1922; Mashenka, 1926 (also published in German); Korol, Dama, Valet, 1928 (also published in German); Vosvraschenye Chorba, 1930; Zaschita Lujina, 1929 (also published in German, French and Swedish); Podvig, 1932; Camera Obscura, 1932 (also published in English, Swedish, French and Czech); Otchayanye, 1935 (also published in English and French); Priglashenye na Kazn, 1936; Dar, 1937; Soglyadatay, 1938; *The Real Life of Sebastian Knight, 1941. Contributor to European and American journals.