Wallace R. Brode

Wallace R. Brode

Fellow: Awarded 1926
Field of Study: Chemistry
Fellow: Awarded 1927
Field of Study: Chemistry

Competition: US & Canada

Bureau of Standards

As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1926–27:

Brode, Wallace Reed: Appointed to determine the absorption spectra of certain simple azo dyes and from these data to develop mathematical expressions for the relation between their color and chemical constitution and to obtain data on the nature of the absorption of light—this work to be done for the most part with Professor Arthur Hantzsch of the University of Leipzig, the remainder with Professor E. C. C. Baly, of the University of Liverpool, and Professor Victor Henri, of the University of Zurich; tenure, twelve months from October 1, 1926.

Born June 12, 1900, Walla Walla, Washington. Education: Whitman College, B.S., 1921; University of Illinois, M.S., 1922, Ph.D., 1925.

Assistant in Chemistry, University of Illinois, 1921–24; Associate Chemist, Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C., 1924—.

Publications: Articles in Journal of the American Chemical Society, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry.


Brother: Robert B. Brode, Guggenheim Fellow in Physics, 1934

National Academy of Sciences , 1954
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