William Alexander Jackson
William Alexander Jackson
Competition: US & Canada
Carl H. Pforzheimer Library
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1937–38:
JACKSON, WILLIAM ALEXANDER: Appointed for studies of the history of English printing, especially during the period 1603 to 1640; tenure, six months from April 1, 1938.
Born July 25, 1905, at Bellows Falls, Vermont. Education: Williams College, B.A., 1927, Honorary M.A., 1938.
Cataloging Assistant, 1927–30, Chapin Library, Williams College; Librarian, 1930–38, at the Carl H. Pforzheimer Library, New York City; Associate Professor of Bibliography and Assistant Librarian in charge of Rare Books, Harvard University, 1938—.
Publications: Catalogue of the English Printed Books and MSS. in the Carl H. Pforzheimer Library, 1475–1700, 1938. Articles in Transactions of the Bibliographical Society of London, New York Herald Tribune Books, Saturday Review of Literature, Times Literary Supplement, Modern Language Review, Colophon.