William E. Zeuch
William E. Zeuch
Competition: US & Canada
Commonwealth College
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1931–32:
ZEUCH, WILLIAM EDWARD: Appointed to make a study of the workers’ education projects of Western Europe; tenure, twelve months from September 15, 1931.
Born April 19, 1892, at Strawberry Point, Iowa. Education: Lenox College, A.B., 1915; Clark University, M.A., 1916; Cornell University, 1919–20; University of Wisconsin, Ph.D., 1926.
Instructor in Economics, 1917–18, Indiana University; Research Assistant, 1921–22, University of Wisconsin; Instructor in Economics, 1922–23, University of Illinois; Director, 1923–31, Commonwealth College.
Publications: Articles in Harvard Review of Economic Statistics, Workers Education, Canadian Mercury, and other publications.
Photograph credit: The Mena Studio, Mena, Arkansas