William H. Eyster

William H. Eyster
Competition: US & Canada
Bucknell University
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1926–27:
Eyster, William Henry: Appointed to study the physiology of the chloroplastid pigments, using genetic strains of Zea Mays, which vary in the amounts and proportions of the different chloroplastid pigments from a complete absence of one or more pigments to a full complement of all the pigments, principally with Dr. Richard Willstätter, Munich, Germany, and Dr. Otto H. Warburg, Kaiser-Wilhelm Institut für Biologie, Berlin, Germany; tenure, twelve months from August 20, 1927.
Born July 13, 1889, at Fishers Ferry, Pennsylvania. Education: Bucknell University, A.B. and M.A., 1914; Cornell University, Ph.D., 1920.
Instructor in Biology, Pennsylvania State Forest Academy, 1914–1916; Head of the Department of Science, (Cortland, New York) State Normal School, 1916”1918; Assistant in Genetics, 1918–1919, Instructor in Botany, 1919–1920, Cornell University; Assistant Professor of Botany, University of Missouri, 1920–1924; Associate Professor of Botany, 1924–1925, Professor of Botany, 1925–1927, University of Maine; Professor of Botany, Bucknell University, 1928—.
Publications: Articles in the Journal of Heredity, Genetics, University of Missouri Research Bulletins, Science, American Journal of Botany Journal of General Physiology, American Naturalist, Botanical Gazette, and Proceedings of the Fourth International Botanical Congress.