Wilson M. Powell
Wilson M. Powell
Fellow: Awarded 1941
Field of Study: Physics
Fellow: Awarded 1942
Field of Study: Physics
Competition: US & Canada
Kenyon College
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1941–42:
POWELL, WILSON MARCY: Appointed for cosmic ray research, in particular cloud-chamber study of the abundance and energy distribution of slow protons and mesotrons at high altitudes; tenure, twelve months from June 15, 1941.
Born July 18, 1903, Litchfield, Connecticut. Education: Harvard University, A.B., 1926, Ph.D., 1933.
Assistant in Physics, 1933–35, Harvard University; Instructor in Physics, 1935–37, Connecticut College for Women; Assistant Professor of Physics, 1937—, Kenyon College.
Publications: Articles in Physical Review, Journal of the Optical Society of America.