Field-Of-Study: Chemistry

Dongping Zhong
Dongping Zhong is the Robert Smith Professor of Physics and Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at The Ohio State University. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in laser physics from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China in 1985 and 1988, respectively, his another M.S. degree in physical chemistry from Kansas State University

Jiaxing Huang
Jiaxing Huang is an associate professor of materials science and engineering at Northwestern University. His research interests are in material chemistry, processing, and manufacturing. Examples include two-dimensional (2D) soft materials, organic nanocrystals, and metal nanostructures. He is interested in the application of these materials in energy and sustainability and as a platform for materials education.

Brian R. Crane
Brian R. Crane is a Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Cornell University. He is interested in the chemical processes that underlie the transmission of signals in biological systems. In particular, he strives to understand cellular behaviors in terms of molecular structure and reactivity. Particular interests are the ability of bacteria

Fabio Ariel Doctorovich
Fabio Doctorovich is the head of the Laboratory of Organometallic and Bioinorganic Chemistry and a CONICET Principal Researcher at INQUIMAE, as well as a Professor at the School of Science (UBA) in Buenos Aires. His group is currently working on NO/HNO coordination chemistry; the development of CO donors for biological studies, as well as catalysts

Kenneth S. Suslick
Ken Suslick is the Marvin T. Schmidt Professor of Chemistry, a professor of materials science and engineering, and a Beckman Institute Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Professor Suslick received his B.S. from Caltech in 1974, Ph.D. from Stanford in 1978, and joined the University of Illinois immediately thereafter. He was promoted at

Laura L. Kiessling
Laura L. Kiessling is the Hilldale Professor of Chemistry and Laurens Anderson Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. After earning a B.S. in chemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1983) and a Ph.D. in chemistry from Yale University (1989), Ms. Kiessling spent two years at the California Institute of Technology as

Nadrian C. Seeman
Nadrian C. Seeman was born in Chicago in 1945. Following a B.S. in biochemistry from the University of Chicago, he received his Ph.D. in biological crystallography from the University of Pittsburgh in 1970. His postdoctoral training, at Columbia and MIT, emphasized nucleic acid crystallography. He obtained his first independent position at SUNY/Albany, where his frustrations

Mirta Aranguren
Dr. Mirta Aranguren got her B.Sc. degree in Chemical Engineering at the Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (Argentina) in 1980. She was awarded a CONICET fellowship and worked with Professors Roberto J.J. Williams and Julio Borrajo on thermoset polymers in the Polymer Division of the Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales

Roberto Carlos Salvarezza
Roberto Carlos Salvarezza is a Principal Researcher of the National Research Council of Argentina (CONICET). He has been deeply involved in the development of nanoscience and nanotechnology in Argentina and Latin America. His research area comprises molecular self-assembly, biomimetic systems, and nano/microfabrication methods. After receiving his doctorate in biochemistry from the University of Buenos Aires