Field-Of-Study: South Asian Studies

Ann Gold
Ann Grodzins Gold is Thomas J. Watson Professor of Religion and Professor of Anthropology at Syracuse University. Gold’s research and teaching are rooted in more than thirty years of ethnographic engagement with religion and culture in provincial North India. Located in a single region, her fieldwork and writings concern diverse topics: pilgrimage, gender, expressive traditions,

Indira Peterson
Follow this link to view Indira Peterson’s CV. Follow this link to view Indira Peterson’s Publications list. Visit Indira Peterson’s slide show to view images of selected books authored by Indira Viswanathan Peterson.

Mrinalini Sinha
Mrinalini Sinha is Alice Freeman Palmer Professor in the Department of History and Professor in the Department of English Language and Literature (by courtesy) at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She has written on various aspects of the political history of colonial India, with a focus on anti-colonialism, gender, and transnational approaches. She has

Heidi Pauwels
Heidi Pauwels is Professor in the Department of Asian Languages and Literature at the University of Washington in Seattle. She teaches Sanskrit and Modern and Old Hindi language and literature, and courses on Hinduism. She studied in Europe (in Belgium with Winand Callewaert and in Germany with Monika Horstmann), India (at the Vrindaban Research Institute),

Linda Hess
Linda Hess is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Religious Studies at Stanford University, and is affiliated with Stanford’s Center for South Asia, which she codirected from 2006 to 2009. Educated at Stanford (B.A., 1964) and the University of California at Berkeley (M.A., 1972, Ph.D., 1980), Ms. Hess teaches on religions of South Asia