Fellow-Category: Humanities

Indira Peterson

Follow this link to view Indira Peterson’s CV. Follow this link to view Indira Peterson’s Publications list. Visit Indira Peterson’s slide show to view images of selected books authored by Indira Viswanathan Peterson.

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Karl Jacoby

Karl Jacoby has devoted his career to understanding the ways in which the making of the United States intertwined with the unmaking of a variety of other societies—from Native American nations to the communities of northern Mexico—and the ecologies upon which they rested. His scholarship is distinguished by its close attention to questions of narrative

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Shannon Jackson

Shannon Jackson is currently the Director of the Arts Research Center at the University of California, Berkeley, and the Richard and Rhoda Goldman Professor of Rhetoric and of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies. Her research and public service focus primarily on facilitating cross-arts dialogue and experimentation, with an eye toward exploring and advancing the role

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John Holt

I was born and raised in San Francisco and Kailua, Hawaii.  As a result, I developed many friendships with people of Asian origins during my youth, and consequently I cultivated a curiosity about Asian cultures.  I completed my undergraduate education at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minnesota, as a history major, writing a senior

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Kevin Ohi

Kevin Ohi is Professor of English at Boston College, where he has taught since 2001.  His writing and teaching interests include queer theory, aestheticism and decadence, Victorian and modernist literature, twentieth-century American literature, and film.  He is the author of Innocence and Rapture: The Erotic Child in Pater, Wilde, James, and Nabokov (Palgrave Macmillan, 2005),

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Elijah Millgram

Elijah Millgram received his Ph.D. from Harvard in 1991; he taught at Princeton and Vanderbilt before joining the faculty at the University of Utah in 1999, where he is E. E. Ericksen Professor of Philosophy.  He is the author of Practical Induction (Harvard UP, 1997), Ethics Done Right: Practical Reasoning as a Foundation for Moral

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Robin Miller

Robin Feuer Miller is Edytha Macy Gross Professor of Humanities at Brandeis University where she teaches Russian and Comparative Literature.  She considers herself fortunate to have studied with several outstanding teachers—first at elementary school in Vermont, and later at Berkeley High School, Swarthmore College, and Columbia University—who encouraged students to tackle difficult subjects, to formulate

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Elaine Tyler May

Elaine Tyler May, Regents Professor of American Studies and History at the University of Minnesota, received her Ph.D. in United States History from  UCLA in 1975.  She served as 2009–2010 President of the Organization of American Historians, and as 1995–1996 President of the American Studies Association.  She has taught at Princeton University, Harvard University, and

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Julia Reinhard Lupton

Consistent themes in my work include the continued urgency, resilience, and reparative virtues of Shakespearean drama; the capacity of the humanities to provide occasions for creative citizenship and embodied thought; the household as a theater of sociability; and religion as problem and promise in liberalism. I am committed to a broadly humanistic pedagogy that addresses

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Zhongjie Lin

Dr. Zhongjie Lin is an associate professor of architecture and urbanism at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and a cofounder of its Master of Urban Design program. He is also a cofounder and principal of Futurepolis, an award-winning design practice of architecture, landscape, and planning. He received a Ph.D. in architecture from the

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Michael Lesy

Michael Lesy is a professor of literary journalism at Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts. He received a B.A. in theoretical sociology from Columbia University, an M.A. in American social history from the University of Wisconsin, and a Ph.D. in American cultural history from Rutgers University. He has published eleven books of history, biography, and narrative

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Jane Landers

Jane Landers is Gertrude Conaway Vanderbilt Professor of History at Vanderbilt University. She is the author of numerous books, chapters, and articles on Africans in the Atlantic World, the most recent being the award-winning Atlantic Creoles in the Age of Revolutions (Cambridge, MA, 2010). She is the recipient of fellowships from the National Endowment for

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Maya Jasanoff

Maya Jasanoff is a Professor of History at Harvard University, where her teaching and research focus on the history of the British Empire. She is the author of Edge of Empire: Lives, Culture, and Conquest in the East, 1750-1850 (Knopf, 2005), which investigates British expansion in India and Egypt through the lives of art collectors

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Susannah Heschel

Susannah Heschel is the Eli Black Professor of Jewish Studies at Dartmouth College in the Department of Religion. Her scholarship focuses on Jewish-Christian relations in Germany during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the history of biblical scholarship, and the Wissenschaft des Judentums. Her books include Abraham Geiger and the Jewish Jesus (University of Chicago Press),

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Guy Hedreen

I am a professor of art at Williams College.  I teach graduate and undergraduate courses on Greek art and the history of art.  For the undergraduate college, I also teach the methodology of the history of art to majors in art history.  In my teaching and research, I focus on the intersection between Greek art

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David L. Haberman

I am a professor of Religious Studies at Indiana University, Bloomington, specializing in the Hindu religious traditions of India.  After receiving a B.A. in Religious Studies from the University of Colorado in 1976 and a Ph.D. in History of Religions from the University of Chicago in 1984, I taught at the University of Arizona and

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André Gaudreault

André Gaudreault (b. 1952) holds a Ph.D. in cinema from Université Paris 3–Sorbonne Nouvelle (1983). He is a full professor in the Département d’histoire de l’art et d’études cinématographiques at the Université de Montréal, where he heads the research group GRAFICS (Groupe de recherche sur l’avènement et la formation des institutions cinématographique et scénique—Research Group

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