Field-Of-Study: Literary Criticism

Sarah Cole
“In diverse forms and spirits we are making over the world,” H. G. Wells wrote in 1933, “so that the primary desires and emotions, the drama of individual life will be subordinate more and more, generation by generation, to beauty and truth, to universal interests and mightier aims. This is our common role.” It is

Myriam J. A. Chancy
Myriam J. A. Chancy, Ph. D., is a Haitian-Canadian/American, writer/scholar and photographer; she obtained her Ph.D. at the University of Iowa at the age of twenty-four as a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRCC) Fellow, awarded to her at the age of twenty while completing her M.A. in African American Literature at

Kevin Ohi
Kevin Ohi is Professor of English at Boston College, where he has taught since 2001. His writing and teaching interests include queer theory, aestheticism and decadence, Victorian and modernist literature, twentieth-century American literature, and film. He is the author of Innocence and Rapture: The Erotic Child in Pater, Wilde, James, and Nabokov (Palgrave Macmillan, 2005),

Alan Mintz
Alan Mintz is the Chana Kekst Professor of Hebrew Literature at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York. The research project for which he was awarded the Guggenheim Fellowship focuses on the late work of S. Y. Agnon, the great Hebrew writer and Nobel laureate in literature. Between the end of World War Two and

Matthew Kirschenbaum
Matthew G. Kirschenbaum is Associate Professor in the Department of English at the University of Maryland and Associate Director of the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH, an applied thinktank for the digital humanities). He is also an affiliated faculty member with the Human-Computer Interaction Lab at Maryland, and a member of the

Richard Serrano
Richard Serrano is Associate Professor of French and Comparative Literature at Rutgers University (New Brunswick). He earned a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of California (Berkeley) in 1996 and held a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Humanities at the Columbia University Society of Fellows 1996-1998. After having led the reconstruction of the Rutgers

Rita Felski
Rita Felski is William R. Kenan., Jr., Professor of English at the University of Virginia and editor of New Literary History. She was educated at Cambridge University and pursued graduate work in Australia, earning an M.A and Ph.D at Monash University. She took up a position in the English and Comparative Literature Program at Murdoch