Competition: Latin America & Caribbean

Fabio Ariel Doctorovich

Fabio Doctorovich is the head of the Laboratory of Organometallic and Bioinorganic Chemistry and a CONICET Principal Researcher at INQUIMAE, as well as a Professor at the School of Science (UBA) in Buenos Aires. His group is currently working on NO/HNO coordination chemistry; the development of CO donors for biological studies, as well as catalysts

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Oswaldo Chinchilla

I graduated at the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, with degrees in Archaeology and Biochemistry, both awarded in 1990. To pursue graduate training, I earned fellowships from the Wenner‐Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research (1990‐1993), and Vanderbilt University, where I completed my Ph.D. in 1996. Subsequently, I developed my dissertation research topic into a long‐term

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Milagros de la Torre

Born in Lima, Peru, Milagros de la Torre has been working with various conceptual photographic media since 1991. She studied communication sciences at the University of Lima and received a B.A. (Hons.) in photographic arts from the London College of Printing. Her photographs emerge from a rigorous research process, critical argumentation of the photographic apparatus,

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Eduardo M. Castaño

Eduardo M. Castaño is one of the world’s leading researchers on the pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Among the principal focuses of his work are the relationship of amyloid peptides, specifically beta amyloid (Aβ), to the neuronal degeneration associated with AD and the development of anti-Aβ immunotherapy. Dr. Castaño received his medical degree, with honors,

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Tania Candiani

Tania Candiani is among the most highly respected young artists in Mexico. Known for her ability to make art from the trappings of everyday life and to question traditional ways of seeing, she could almost be characterized as an artist-anthropologist. For example, with her photographs of women wearing cooking pots on their heads as helmets—both

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A. Bernardo Carvalho

One of the world’s leading researchers on the evolution of Y chromosomes and an active participant in both the Drosophila and Rhodnius prolixus genome projects, Antonio Bernardo Carvalho is an Associate Professor in the Genetics Department at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (UFRJ), a position he has held since 1991. He was

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Damaris Calderón

Born in Havana, Cuba, in 1967, and a graduate of the Universidad de Habana, Damaris Calderón has lived in Chile since 1995 and received a master’s degree in classical languages and cultures from the Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación in Santiago. A poet, linguist, and storyteller, she is the author of eight books

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Mónica Bernabé

As Assistant Professor in the Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR), Mónica Bernabé has specialized in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Latin American Literature. Since 2005, when she received her Ph.D. from the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), she has been a guest professor at this university as well as the Université Lumiére

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Adriana Barenstein

In her choreography, Argentinean Adriana Barenstein brings together dancers and sometimes artists in other fields and various media in explorations of the relationship between individuals and their physical environments and the prevailing cultures. In her installation El Amor (2005), for example, two dancers explored the interconnectedness of new technologies and performance in a subway station,

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Laurent Loinard

Often cited as one of the most promising young astrophysicists in Mexico, Laurent Loinard won international plaudits for his creative use of the high-precision astrometry capabilities of the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) to produce unprecedentedly accurate measurements of distances to the most frequently studied regions of star formation. Now that the VLA is being

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David Zambrano

For over twenty-six years, David Zambrano has been a monumental figure in the international dance community, and his passion for cultural exchange continues to influence his work. Living and making work in Amsterdam and teaching/performing internationally, Zambrano is an ambassador and liaison across many borders, bringing together artists from all over the planet for his

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Pablo Irarrazaval

I am fascinated with the application of signal processing to medical imaging, in particular to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). I have dedicated most of my working time to research and teaching. I did my undergraduate studies at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, where I received my Electrical Engineering degree (1988) and later on continued at

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Leonor Caraballo-Farman

Working in a wide range of settings, from Argentine stadiums to American laser tag arenas, caraballo-farman’s work focuses on public rituals and collective acts exploring the relationship between individuals and groups, unit and structure, and how one enables or dissolves the other. By exploring the rituals of modernity as spaces of power and euphoria, as

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Carmen Oquendo-Villar

Carmen Oquendo-Villar is visual artist and film/media scholar of Puerto Rican and Spanish descent whose work has been exhibited in museums, galleries, and film festivals around the world. Oquendo-Villar, a Harvard Ph.D. and an assistant professor of Cinema Studies, Media Theory and Film Production at SUNY, is well known in Puerto Rico and abroad as

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Federico Rubio

Federico Rubio was born in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1966. He was educated in Uruguay (Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad de la República) and the U.K. (Post-Graduate Degree in Photojournalism, London College of Printing). He has worked as a photographer for a number of national magazines and newspapers, among them Posdata, of which he eventually became

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Tamara Kostianovsky

Tamara Kostianovsky was born in Jerusalem, Israel, in 1974 and grew up in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Her installations and sculptures confront the viewers with the real and grotesque nature of violence, offering a context to reflect on the vulnerability of our physical existence. Her work questions unchecked brutality while investigating the relationships between poverty, consumption,

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Sebastián Szyd

Sebastián Szyd was born in Buenos Aires in 1974. At the age of nineteen he started out on a series of trips around Latin America that were to last for more than two decades. In 1996 he worked as a photographer for a small news agency and the following year he joined the staff of

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Jorge Villavicencio Grossmann

Jorge Villavicencio Grossmann’s music has been performed throughout the United States, Latin America, and Europe. His works find inspiration in a wide range of subjects, from medieval music to Latin American modern art. He has been a recipient of the Aaron Copland Award, Charles Ives Scholarship from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, a

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