Field-Of-Study: Fine Arts Research
Thomas Crow
Thomas Crow is Rosalie Solow Professor at the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. He was previously Director of the Getty Research Institute, Robert Lehman Professor Art History at Yale, and Chair of Art History at Sussex University in the U.K. His teaching includes later modern and contemporary art along with French art from
Susan Sidlauskas
In the book project that will occupy most of my time during my Guggenheim Fellowship term, Skins: The Metamorphoses of John Singer Sargent, I use medical metaphors to account for what it is exactly that Sargent does with and through all those seemingly mobile layers of color he painted, and why it matters. I argue
David Scott
David A. Scott is a Professor of Art History at the University of California, Los Angeles, and Founding Director (2003–2011) of the UCLA/Getty Archaeological and Ethnographic Conservation Program. After graduating from the University of Reading, UK, with an honors B.S. degree in chemistry, he worked in industry for a while before returning to take an
Guy Hedreen
I am a professor of art at Williams College. I teach graduate and undergraduate courses on Greek art and the history of art. For the undergraduate college, I also teach the methodology of the history of art to majors in art history. In my teaching and research, I focus on the intersection between Greek art
Lisa Saltzman
Lisa Saltzman is Professor of History of Art at Bryn Mawr College. She received her B.A. from Princeton in 1988 and her Ph.D. from Harvard in 1994. In 2002-03, she was a fellow at the Radcliffe Institute of Advanced Study and in 2012-13 she will be a fellow at the Clark Art Institute. At Bryn
Pedro Querejazu
Nací en Sucre, Bolivia, en 1949. Fui educado por mis padres y los jesuitas dentro de la consciencia de la responsabilidad social y el servicio a la comunidad. Estos valores, por opción personal, han guiado mis actos. Mis padres pensaron que tenía dotes para el arte. Por eso, desde muy joven, me matricularon en la
Elizabeth S. Bolman
One of the world’s leading experts on late antique and medieval Coptic art, Elizabeth S. Bolman is the initiator and director of a wall-painting conservation project at the Red Monastery basilica, the principal part of the large monastic federation in Upper Egypt founded in the late fourth or fifth century CE and that was active
Rossina Cazali
Rossina Cazali is an art critic and independent curator living and working in Guatemala. She is currently a columnist and collaborator for the Guatemalan newspaper El Periódico. For more than twenty years she has worked in the contemporary arts field in Guatemala and Central America. Her experience on curatorial practices and art criticism has been
Elizabeth Sears
A specialist in European medieval art and an eminent proponent and historian of the Warburgian school, Elizabeth Sears received a B.A. from Duke University (1974, summa cum laude) and an M.A. and Ph.D. from Yale University (1982). She came to prominence with her doctoral dissertation, entitled The Ages of Man: Medieval Interpretations of the Life
Gregory P. A. Levine
Gregory Levine is Associate Professor of the art and architecture of Japan and Buddhist visual cultures in the Department of History of Art and a member of the Groups in Buddhist Studies and Asian Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. His first book, Daitokuji: The Visual Cultures of a Zen Monastery (2005), was a